Friday, September 26, 2008

The Importance of Health Insurance

Everyone Must Have Health Insurance! It is so Important.

My sister fell over the weekend.
We were all at my daughters home celebrating 4 birthdays.
She got her hamburger off the grill, turned around and started walking, she forgot
there was a step there. When she tried to catch herself her knees froze up, she tried to step down and broke 1 leg, then she fell, and broke the other leg.
Where she fell she should not have broken anything. There was only 1 step and it was soft wood. Everyone Needs Health Insurance!

Two Broken Legs!

The hospital stay for 5 days is $30,000!!
Her 2 week stay at a nursing home is $5,000!!

Since she recently started a new job she does not have Health Insurance to cover this!
My daughter's Home Insurance said they would pay her only $1,000!! If they pay that it will raise her Home Owners Insurance several hundred dollars a year for the next few years!

My sister and her husband are hard working people just like the rest of us, No Huge Nest Egg which is what she would need to pay that bill.
You never know what will happen.

I walked out my front door and fell off a step onto concrete and broke my arm.
Visit to the doctor, x rays, 3 visits to specialists, more xrays. The xrays alone were over $1,500! The doctor visits, split, medications were about $600, nothing near what my sister's bill looks like!
I have health insurance. My out of pocket expense was $160.

Get Health Insurance! You never know what will happen!